Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


News & Updates

Health & Safety Notice


We wanted to send out a note to our clients and prospective clients with upcoming appointments about health and safety in response to the global outbreak of novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Remote Meetings

If you would prefer to conduct your upcoming appointment remotely, please let us know and we can set up a video conference that can be accessed on your phone or computer. In some cases, we can do phone meetings instead of face-to-face.

Let us know if you are a person at especially high-risk (with a serious chronic medical condition like heart disease, diabetes, lung disease). We will work with your particular circumstances to limit your exposure and keep you healthy and safe.

We are taking precautions to keep the office clean and limit infectious disease exposure for everyone:

  • Disinfecting all high-touch surfaces throughout the day, including pens, tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, facets and sinks.

  • Hand sanitizer will be offered for your convenience (dependent on availability).

  • We will refrain from offering food or beverages.

  • We will refrain from physical contact, including handshakes.

  • Temporarily lifting cancellation fee for late cancels. Please stay home if you are sick and we will reschedule with you.

Other steps we are taking with our staff:

  • Our staff will wash hands on arrival to the office and before meetings with clients.

  • Our staff will wash hands before handling printed documents that require handling by clients.

  • Our staff will not share desks, computers and devices.

  • Our staff will not come to the office if they are feeling ill or a family member is ill. We are offering remote working opportunities.

  • We are working on ways to do document signings remotely, should it become necessary.

  • We are all making an effort to follow recommended hygiene guidelines - avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then immediately dispose of it in our wastebaskets.

We will continue to share any updates that may impact our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (410) 777-5916 or


Steven M. Berger

Juliana Manncovid-19