Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: Advanced medical directives

On Friday, July 2nd at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses advanced medical directives, their purpose and when we need them.

Requires two witnesses and one of them cannot be the agent. There are provisions for electronic signature which doesn’t require witnesses as long as your identity is electronically identified.

The Healthcare directive has a form written into the code, but we like to use our own form from our office. You are saying you are doing this form of your own choice and are of sound mind.

The form requires phone numbers, preferably mobile numbers. The agents won’t make decisions unless you can’t make your own at all. What kind of medical treatment you want should be listed in the form. The agent also has the ability to direct hospice care or any long-term care.

Some people authorize pain relief or psychiatric help. A Living Will would help lessen decisions needing to be made by your agent as end of life care comes about.

We like to notarize the form even though it’s not required because if you move there aren’t any questions about missing requirements.

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