Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: Aretha Franklin

On Friday, February 25th, at 11am EST, Mr. Berger goes in more depth as to why Aretha Franklin died with an estate of $80,000,000 and had no will. Why?

I was recently interviewed by a local radio station on this subject and wanted to dive deeper.

A handwritten Will in Maryland can be used as a legal document. Ms. Franklin had fallen behind on taxes which will make a dent in the $80M. The estate will pay 40% inheritance tax.

This happens more often than people think. It’s more often that people draw them up, but won’t sign them. Back taxes at the end of life is pretty common. Usually most aren’t making as much money at this time in their life, but Ms. Franklin was still making money on her songs.

Aretha had 4 children, 1 of which was disabled. The niece was named executor until she resigned in 02/2020 after the youngest son displayed lots of resistance.

This will be an ongoing administration for many years.

If a Will isn’t completed, the State can move forward in their own way. Usually that it to your children in equal shares.

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