Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: Changes to Wills and Trusts

On Friday, November 5th at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses how our office handle changes to wills and trusts written by other attorneys.

When making changes to our own documents, changes are much simpler. With attorneys closing for Covid or attorney’s retiring, we have seen an uptick in calls requesting changes or updates.

Handwritten Wills from the past hoped for the Law and codes to fill in the missing pieces. Times have changed and we like to plan ahead and for future possible scenarios.

Making a change is called a Codicil. Some are simple changes and require witnesses and add it to the end of the Will.

We do recommend storing your Will at the Register of Wills office. Our office is also happy to help you start a Will or make changes as necessary.

Even if the changes you are looking at aren’t possible and we need to start fresh, reviewing your old documents help us outline future wants and needs.

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Bring your questions about estate planning and administration to our weekly Facebook Live with Mr. Berger on Fridays at 11am EST. Leave your email if you’d like to receive a notification of our response.

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