Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: How long does probate take?

On Friday, December 10th at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses the length of probate and possible road blocks to your timeline.

It takes a minimum of 6 months because that’s how long creditors have to make a claim. The department of health also gets 6 months after it is published publicly.

For filing, a small estate (which is typically less than $50,000) and a regular estate. You need to file a tax return for the decedent and the estate.

It could take closer to 1-2 years if there is a house involved that needs to be cleaned out before listing. Or if there is any discourse over the house with other beneficiaries that could delay the timeline.

Reports need to be filed every 6 months if estates are being kept open for years.

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