Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


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FAQ Friday: Post-signing "work"


On Friday, June 24th, at 11am EST, Candice Joy, our newest attorney elaborates on what type of work comes after document signing.

I already signed my Will or Trust. How is there anything else to be done?

For a Will, during our process we discuss all the decisions that need to be made and we would also discuss beneficiary designations. More specifically setting these on all of your accounts.

This is a step that takes place after signing. If it is a step missed, you could end up with a more complicated probate when you pass. Also, making these designations allows for the ability to make specific bequeaths outside of your Will.

For the Trust process, Juliana will work with you earlier in the process (prior to signing) and will make sure everything gets funded. It is important to have your assets be titled in your Trust. If they aren’t titled, even if you note specific assets within that Trust, it may not pass how according to your plan.

These are very important last steps and we look forward to helping you with your estate planning journey.

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Arianna Walker