Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: What is our process for a Probate or Trust Administration

On Friday, October 29th at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses what our process is for a Probate and Trust Administration consult.

You can set an appointment via text, email, telephone call or website. There is a $199 meeting fee. There are also some short forms that need to be completed to help us best prepare for your meeting.

Probate is not a meeting that should be delayed. We will discuss concerns, conflicts and what difficulties might lie in the administration.

If very straightforward it might be something we can direct you to handle yourself, but we are here to help when things get much more complex.

Trust administrations will more often than not require assistance over a probate. Fees for probate are based off the probate estate whereas a trust administration is based off the entire estate.

We will draft up a contract and present you with the fee and ask for a retainer so we can move forward. Once you sign the agreement, our clients meet with Karla.

You will most likely working with us for a year and sometimes longer even though our goal is 9 months, it is often not in our control. Another reason we want to get involved right away is so we can contact banks, investment companies etc.

We are here to protect you from lawsuits and to meet all the deadlines and make tax decisions. We also want to get an appraisal on any home involved.

Submit your question

Bring your questions about estate planning and administration to our weekly Facebook Live with Mr. Berger on Fridays at 11am EST. Leave your email if you’d like to receive a notification of our response.

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