Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


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FAQ Friday: Will my will be accepted in another state?


On Friday, March 25th, at 11am EST, Mr. Berger discusses where a Will is accepted and the repercussions, if any, if you move.

A common scenario recently is that our Maryland clients are moving down to warmer states such as Florida or the Carolinas. The simple answer is yes, your Will, will be valid.

A state would have some sort of overriding provision to not allow it. In Maryland, as long as your former Will was executed under the same terms we require here, then it is valid here.

Maryland also allows electronic Wills.

What’s not covered is if they executed an electronic Will and are Maryland residents but weren’t in Maryland when they executed the Will. There is a concern about authenticity with that.

Maryland does not require a notary, just two witnesses. Though some states require attestation proving witness identity so our office goes the extra step and does that as well.

If you have a solid Maryland Will, it should be accepted anywhere. Though we caution to review once moving as certain estate planning tools might need to be addressed.

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Arianna Walker