Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: Will sections

On Friday, November 25th, Ms. Candice Joy talks about the different sections in a Will and what they mean.

The first section is a preamble which includes information about who you are, which county you live in and also any revocations of prior Wills. Some people also include faith statements.

The first article list out your family members, including stepchildren. You also list any disinheritance in this section.

The next article discusses tangible items such as a car, furniture, jewelry etc. Most things besides your house or accounts. This article usually refers to a memorandum, which our office provides for you to fill out.

Article 3 discusses residuary estate, such as accounts and who receives them.

Article 4 discusses descendants and the distributions to them. It might detail percentages outright or possible trusts.

Article 5 is the worst case scenario article which lists who should receive your estate if absolutely no one was left.

Article 6 designates guardians or trustees if applicable.

Article 7 can discuss all the details of what may come up regarding powers for a trustee.

Article 8 is general provisions for the Will which is mainly for your personal representative.

Article 9 discusses powers for banking, real estate, and more.

Article 10 talks about how to pay for expenses that will come up in the estate.

Article 11 are mainly definitions, but also states your preference or burial verse cremation.

Signature of the testator and witnesses is necessary.

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