Wills, Trusts & Estates

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FAQ Friday: Living Will v. MOLST

On Friday, July 2nd at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses a Living Will, a MOLST and which is more beneficial depending on your circumstances.

A MOLST is a Medical order for life sustaining treatment. If you have an Advanced Health Directive, you don’t need a Living Will. A Maryland Advanced directive includes a Living Will, though we do our own.

A chance to add your goals and values to Living Will are possible. You can authorize pain relief. These documents need to be signed unless an electronic version. The witnesses must be 18 and won’t be an agent.

A MOLST is filled out by a doctor, physician assistant or medical assistant. Can basically be considered a do not resuscitate order. You can do both or either/or, or even an advanced health directive where the agent can make the decisions.

Living Will and advanced health directive should be accepted all over the United States.

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