Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


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FAQ Friday: Probate on the first death for a married couple


On Friday, October 1st at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses the process involved in Probate when the first death occurs for a married couple.

This hypothetical scenario covers a small estate. This family covers a government employee, a teacher and 2 children.

The father/husband passed away at 72 years old. Abigail is now 74 and as a teacher couldn’t accumulate many assets and would need what her husband had earned for continued expenses.

The wife will need to go to the register of Wills office with the death certificate and copy of funeral expenses. They will help us fill out the petition for the small estate and we will also need to run notice in the paper and also a fee for the probate.

Next, contact information for any interested parties is needed. Creditors will have time to claim any interest. Attorney fees, if applicable will also need to be paid.

She would get a letter of administration for every single asset owned. An estate account will need to be opened so any refunds can come into the account. Taxes would need to filed.

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Arianna Walker