Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


News & Updates

FAQ Friday: Why are attorney fees so high?


On Friday, October 8th at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses attorney fees and why they are priced as they are.

Legal work is time intensive. Lots of research, client meetings, finding out how to help and working out a solution. You can’t automate this type of work.

Lawyers have many numerous years of education and time invested in their experience.

The Malcolm Gladwell rule of 10,000 hours is applicable to law as it takes time to learn and grow in a field to provide specialization.

A lot of attorneys also work by the hour and within a day can be interrupted so often that they end up billing minimum hours in a day which is why a flat fee can often be more desirable.

Using technology can help make the process much more efficient. Times are changing and document automation provides options and coordination. Software requires training, familiarity and investment.

We have a great staff which can help alleviate attorney time invested which is more affordable for the client.

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Arianna Walker