Law Office of Steven M Berger, LLC


News & Updates

FAQ Friday: Why I practice Estates & Trusts Law?


On Friday, October 15th at 11 a.m. EST, Mr. Berger discusses why he practices the type of law that he does.

Mr. Berger really enjoys helping people avoid strife and to be able to guide them how to use their money wisely. While money can be the root of all evil, it can also be used to start businesses and support families left behind and help charities grow.

He grew up in Northern Minnesota and always enjoyed going to his grandfather’s farm to help with milking the cows and picking eggs. Just north of that farm in North Dakota was where his great-grandmother’s farm was. That farm was expanded by buying up businesses in the great depression that were going under. Having that pass down to his dad was so meaningful to keep those memories alive.

He sees his job as a Trust lawyer as being able to secure early investments through the generations and keeping families together.

Submit your question

Bring your questions about estate planning and administration to our weekly Facebook Live with Mr. Berger on Fridays at 11am EST. Leave your email if you’d like to receive a notification of our response.

Arianna Walker